Today, after a little surgical procedure, it was time to take visitors.
He had plenty throughout the day. Family, friends and crews from B&F and RHH (who count as friends).
Only one person cried, but she, admittedly, has baby fever right now.
Mom and Dad even got to hold him a few times.
In this picture he is obviously cowering from somethng very scary across the room.
What worries me about the pic below is the very Stewie Griffin-like look in his eyes. I fear for my safety, I really do.
The diaper changes have been heart-wrenching, due to his procedure, but otherwise he's pretty content.
He even got to meet his playmate Anna, who was interested in petting him for about half a second until she decided to play with her shoe.
Should get to go home tomorrow.
We really miss our bed.
1 comment:
Hey, a few tears that never spill over the lids does NOT constitute crying!
I was honored to meet Riley today. Congratulations!
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