Riley is singing along to lots of songs and can recognize songs within the first few notes in most cases. If he didn't get his mom's musical ability, I hope he at least got both of our good tastes.
On Monday, Riley used the big boy toilet on his own request. He has now used it every day this week. He still mostly uses his diaper, but if you put him on the pot, he'll make something come out.
He's still pretty early to be potty trained, especially for a boy, so we have no expectation of full success any time soon. But it is a positive first step.
He's also gotten into putting toys where they aren't supposed to be.
Many of his small toys ended up in his ball popper this week.
and he thinks he's funny.
As the week wore on, Saints fever took hold of everyone in town.
On Thursday, my office has Saints Day, culminating in some people parading around the office.
Friday evening, we ate at Pop's Black Pot with Joan's parents, Caroline and Liz.
If you haven't tried it before, they are off of Saloom road, kinda diagonal from Fresh Pickins, next to Oishi Sushi. They are open for lunch during the week and for dinner wed-fri.
Sandwiches, burgers, plate lunches and some fried seafood. Family owned and friendly.
Riley and Caroline ran around and played with one of the owners' daughters.
Joan and I split the Pop's crazy burger, which is really good. I tacked on a cup of gumbo, which was good, and, at 2.95, was a great value.
Saturday we had lunch from ________ (fill in the blank) and dinner at O'charley's.
All downhill from there.
At about 8, I started having abdominal pain like nothing I've ever felt before.
After becoming well acquainted with the cold floor in front of the toilet, it wasn't getting any better. So after reading up on the warning signs of bum gall bladders and appendices and a coupe of hours of internal debate, around 2 am, I headed to the LGMC ER.
After an hour and a half, I got called back and had an IV inserted (1st in my life).
An hour and a half later, I finally saw a doctor.
Fortunately the signs all pointed toward no major (read: surgical) problems.
Good news of course , but sometimes you wish there was an explanation for why you are in the most pain of your life. Doc said it could be anything: virus, food poisoning, bigger problems that had not yet fully manifested, or just random bad luck.
Oh well. I left 5 hours after getting there, and having not slept for 25 hours, with a script for an anti-spasm med. No real pain today, but lots of nausea. Couldn't even stay at my Mom's house to watch the game 'cause the smell of the gumbo was making me almost lose it.
And I haven't been able to eat any of the chocolate covered "Fleureos" from Cakes by Paperwings (look her up on Facebook) but everyone said they were really good.
But I'm not the real story.
How 'bout them Saints?
What a ridiculous game.
Right now I wish I owned a company that made black and gold icing for cakes. I'd be a millionaire, just off of the Saints' king cakes that are being bought up in this area.
We've only really followed the Saints since about 2002.
We started watching in law school and have been to at least one game every year since 2005.
I never, thought you would ever hear them referred to as Super Bowl Champions.
Lots of changes have happened for us this year.
Finally liking a winning team is one I can live with.
and since this is a blog about family and cute kids, yes, we were both holding back the tears with the shots of Breesus and his son on the field after the game.
1 comment:
Hope you're feeling better.
I got choked up over that same shot of teary-eyed Drew and his boy. It was a great game.
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