My office was dead and Joan was off anyway, so I got a little work done then headed down to a spot one of our attorneys has, which is awesome. His house is along the parade route, but separated by the neighborhood wall.
Unlike private spots in parking lots, we had access to a lawn and a house, and you are only a few yards from the route, but protected from the obnoxious public by a nice wall. It's great.
You can see Riley's interest in the festivities from his perch atop Granny Lynn's shoulders, bringing him to a viewing height of just over 5 feet. He's not good at hiding his emotions or feigning interest.
After the parade, Riley got to meet a co-worker's daughter who is 10 days older than him but has amazing walking abilities. She ran circles around him (literally).
Thank you Tim for the hospitality. We will now expect it every year.
After Tuesday threw off the rhythm of the whole week, we tried to get back on a normal schedule.
We voluntarily complicated that though, by deciding that it was time to phase out his 4-5 am feeding and make him sleep through the whole night.
It, of course, took a few nights for him to adjust, but he seems to be getting there. Plus now he's really hungry when he wakes up and guaranteed to eat his breakfast.
He needs to step up the eating 'cause he's only got a month to gain a pound so that he can start front facing in his big boy carseat (we've tried it a couple of times and he really likes it)
Friday we lit the fuse on another potential bomb, which hasn't blown up yet, so we're hoping it's a dud.
Since Joan has fully reintegrated dairy into her diet and he has shown no problems, he got his first dose of straight dairy in the form of a half cup of yogurt.
Despite eating dairy on Friday and chips and salsa on Saturday, his stomach seems fine.
The boy is truly Cajun in the way he loves beans and rice. (a fact we are all paying for)
He also has some of the Mexican genes my parents picked up when stationed in San Antonio and passed down the line.
His new favorite spot in the house is Jimmy's window seat in his nursery. When he crawls out of the living room, that's usually where we find him.
Fortunately, Jimmy is either nice enough or lazy enough to share without complaint.
The real story this week is that my buddy got his first official haircut. (not just a trim.)
He was looking pretty sloppy, so we headed over to see Maurice at Southside and Riley got his first cut in the chair that I've sat in hundred of times over the last decade (appx. 26 times a year for almost 10 years)
He behaved wonderfully. Didn't even flinch. He should be ready for the clippers next time, but this time it was just a plain old boy cut, which we think makes him look way older.
Maurice was my grandfather's barber, cut my Dad and his brothers when they were kids, currently cuts me and my brother Jake, and has now cut Riley.
And since this post is pretty lacking in humor, I'll try to leave you with a couple of pics that ought to make you laugh.
I present to you Riley standing on the hood of my Mom's Jeep
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