All week he got to see lots of people he's only seen a couple of times before.
Uncle Eli stopped by during one of his short stints in town and taught the kid how not to take a pic.
Friday morning, we got to visit Joan's side of the family at their compound out in the country. The relatives there were too numerous to list.
Riley even got to meet his 98 year old, great-great-grandmother, and take a pic with 5 generations of Joan's family.
Friday night, we headed out to the symphony show with Roddie Romero. It was a pretty cool show, but, then again, I'm a sucker for a good symphonic accompaniment to non-symphonic music (Metallica's S&M show (Symphony & Metallica, sicko) is one of the best ever)
There, he got to see his future friend Gabe, along with Gabe's handlers Brad & Lindsey, and a special cameo by Steve O. Both babies were good before the show when we ate at Legend's Annex(try the Hawaiian burger), but we did get plenty of funny looks for having two 4 month olds in a "bar." (it's no smoking, so he was never in "danger")
He made it through most of the show alright, mostly because he was asleep, but we had to leave before the fireworks because he was ready to eat and go to bed.
Saturday morning, he got to hang out with Cousin Tesha, Aunt Susie, and my grandmother, while Joan tended to the flower bed he has caused her to neglect this season. Tesha had the magic touch and was able to calm the savage beast. Way to go Cuz.
Saturday night, he taught us a lesson. We decided we were brave enough to try to go out to eat, without support staff. We wanted sushi and picked Oishi since it is close. Within 30 seconds of being in the building, he let us know that we better get the food to go. It may have been better if we had been in a louder restaurant, but Oishi only has 6 tables, relying mostly on to-go traffic, so his restlessness was obvious to everyone.
All weekend, he got to hang out with his godmother Lesley, who soothed him and put him to sleep when he decided he didn't want to watch us eat breakfast at Another Broken Egg. He loves that fountain in front of the restaurant, but hates it when you dip his feet in. (so I did a few times, just to show him who runs the show, after his Oishi episode.)
Sunday, he got to see Ms. Nicole who he hadn't seen since he was a week or two old, and I got to realize how nice it is to have a 14 pound baby, after playing with Nicole's 2 year old, 37 inch tall son, Garrett.
As a milestone, Riley learned to imitate a non-facial, physical gesture this week. Knowing that he is fond of bringing his hand together in front of his chest (see pic below), I began doing it myself and saying, "worry, worry, worry, fret, fret, fret" and sho' 'nuff he started copying me. And we've tested it enough, that I don't think it was coincidence.
Plus, he's learned how to hold his stuffed bear and gum on the ear. It's surprising how quickly artificial fur can become completely, disgustingly matted. Baby spit is magic.
We've also found that he's content in the morning just sitting on the counter watching Joan do her hair and makeup. I don't think you can shape career paths that young, can you? If so, I'll make him watch me attempt something more manly next weekend.
He really did have a great week, and next weekend will be a real test, as we're going to try to bring him to a wedding. He's never had a meltdown in a church, but I also have no problem sitting in the back row and stepping outside at the first sign of vocalizations. And, just for future embarrassment fodder, we plan to dress him in the sailor outfit that Ms. Kathleen gave him. It should be good stuff.
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