I write here every week about things that are really cool to us, but your average person would consider quite dull.
No need to break tradition, so I'll keep it up.
This week was different because my mom got sick and we had to come up with babysitting substitutions. Virginia held down the fort on Wednesday, and I took the helm on Thursday.
Fortunately, Anna and Riley are both really good, so the day wasn't that difficult.
However, it was the SLOWEST DAY EVER.
I was able take advantage of Anna's size to do something fun. Her weight balanced out the seat in the bike trailer some, thus allowing Riley to stay upright, which he cant do when he's the only one in the trailer. So, we went for a ride around the neighborhood. Anna loved it and Riley had no idea what was going on.
It was a good little ride, but my thighs were sore the next day just from riding around with the extra 50 lbs behind me. I need to get my bike muscles back.
Saturday, Riley went to his first wedding. We hung out in the cry room with 4 other kids. He was actually really well behaved, but, in a big church, during a wedding, even the slightest baby noise sounds would have seemed like a freight train.
As promised, he wore his little sailor outfit, given to him by Kathleen and Meredith (sp?) Will. (I know Chris had no part in picking it out)
I must be honest, it was actually pretty cute on him. Still not daily wear, but it works for special occasions. Thanks Wills.
My favorite look though, is when you take off the jacket and he is just wearing the overalls. That attire, combined with his usually serious, faux-thug, facial expression, makes him look quite Trailer-park-boyish. It goes well with the ever thickening mullet.
Saturday night he got to hang out with some out of town family at BJ's Pizza. Despite the pic below, he was actually very happy chilling with Aunt Summer. He did tell me though that next time he wants to visit them on their home turf. (Destin)
We got him a walker this week, despite the fact that modern "conventional wisdom" considers them too dangerous. Unfortunately, he can't put it to any dangerous uses as it is more of a "sitter" than a "walker" until he grows a couple of inches and his feet start touching the ground.
On the developmental milestone front, he's learned to consistently grab and hold the toys on his hanging gym. (but not when the camera is around.)
And he rolled over (stomach to back) two and a half times this week, though we are still yet to catch him in the act.
Thursday night, I checked on him and found him propped up on his side against the bumper pad. He had attempted to roll over, but was too close to the side and couldn't make it all the way.
Thursday though, my mom put him in the crib, and later came back to find him on his back laughing. Monday morning we found that he had rolled in the night.
His bed also underwent a little bit of Cajun engineering this week. He had gotten into the bad habit of pushing his head into the corner of the bumper pads at night, which worried me. In order to, literally, give him some breathing room, we took off the end pads. The law of unintended consequences though, led to him waking himself up when he smacked his head on the now exposed rails at night.
Solution= individually wrap the rails with burp cloths.
No smothering and no head bonking yet, so I think it worked.
That's about it.
Nothing big coming up this week, so next week's update may be boring.
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