Thursday, the little dictator was benevolent enough to allow us to go to the final Rhythms on the River of the season to catch a good set from Roddie Romero.
It was a little chilly, so Riley got to break out his long sleeve pearl snap shirt. I was so proud of him. Now he just needs some boots.
He would've fit right in at a Weary Boys show, if only they were still around.
(we miss the Wearies, one of my "top 3 best bands, ever")
After that, he tried to go for the 50's tough guy look with the white T and Jeans. That look is hard to pull off though when your chin is covered in drool, and you're only a few drops away from getting into a wet t-shirt contest.
Around the house, he is loving the fact that he can roll his deathtrap walker right up to the table and have his choice of toys. He doesn't love it though, when he pushes them just out of reach. I say "Get used to it buddy, you're gonna be short all your life."
On Saturday he got to visit an estate sale that Aunt Sherie was holding at her childhood country home.
There, while holding him upside down ( it allows more blood to his brain, thus making him smarter) we discovered that his top gum has split and there is a little pearlie just waiting to peek out. It should be here soon.
Later in the day, he accompanied me for some attempted Christmas shopping, but cut the trip short after offering up more nastiness than his diaper could handle. After about 15 minutes of trying to clean him up in the back seat of the truck, I realized that I couldn't find any spare onesies in the diaper bag, so he got to ride home Speedo style.
That evening, while we ate at Outback, he demonstrated that he can fit a whole pacifier in his mouth, backwards.
Sunday was slow and not very noteworthy.
It did give me a chance though, to document his early propensity for good dental hygiene. He'll sit there for a long time chewing on his toothbrush and babbling, without complaint.
and for one final pic, we think this one looks like a baby version of Heath Ledger's Joker mixed with Stephen Adler of Celebrity Rehab/Guns & Roses fame.
Hope everyone has a good thanksgiving.
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