I blame them.
There's just not room in the schedule to sit down for 2 hours on a Sunday and write something worth reading. (especially when you did almost the same thing three years earlier while balancing only half of the responsibilities)
I also blame Paul, because he always has his camera out when here, so we don't take as many pics, which were always my cheatsheet to blogging.
So there it is. The fault for this blog lying dormant lies with everyone but me.
But I'll make up for their negligence now, by giving you a rundown of where we stand.
First off, as of about 12 hours ago (my time), Avery is officially one year old. Of course, plenty of things have happened in her life since my last post, but I'll, fittingly, procrastinate those to another day.
This weekend, we had a little birthday party for her. I say little relative to Riley's first, which was a crawfish boil for 75 people.
This was a much more manageable pizza for 30-something, but she liked the more intimate crowd.

Since Joan has been bitten by the Pinterest and baking bugs, she made the cupcakes and cakes that looked pretty good. (Well, at least temporarily)

But eventually, the time came for the goods to meet their demise. After Riley helped to blow out the candles, Avery suited up and gave it her best shot.

She actually destroyed most of one cake (notice "destroyed," not "ate")

Then a quick pose with her spoils before heading off for a quick bath.

While she did that, the bigger kids enjoyed the new (to us) trampoline

and the biggest kids enjoyed one of their own, failing to master a kids' ride on toy.

Then it was time to fill our house with more things we don't have room for. (We're not ungrateful, just full after a bountiful Christmas)
But Avery will surely appreciate all of the thoughtful gifts. (or at least the chance to unwrap them.)

Of note, a couple of friends got her some baby Toms. I didn't know they made them, but they're pretty cool. And now some kid in a third world country will get a pair of shoes, that he'll hopefully put to better use than she will. (she refuses to walk.)

and, to give her motivation to get her figure in check before the summer, she got her first two piece. (Cajuns colors of course)

To make up for our failure to adequately document both kids' aging, we headed out for studio photos on Sunday. While the process could have gone smoother with Avery, Riley was very cooperative and we got some good shots (mostly because there was no one scheduled immediately after us.)

eventually, she calmed down and her cuteness made brief appearances.

She was especially happy when she got to team up with her big brother